


week 01

例句 1:The United States is a sports-minded country, with millions of fans who follow football, baseball, basketball and hockey, among other sports.

例句 2:The difference between proactive people and reactive people is that proactive people take initiative, and they come up with ideas to get things done despite the conditions they are in. Reactive people, on the other hand, usually are the ones to react to a situation rather than take initiative to create a situation.

例句 3:Don’t jump to conclusions! Perhaps it was his daughter he was dancing with.

例句 4:The workers approached the manager with a request for shorter working hours.

例句 5:His sober approach to the crisis averted a catastrophe.

例句 6:They take the time to understand how the business works, how the product fits in, and what its goals are.

例句 7:You need to work hard—opportunities don’t just come out of thin air.

例句 8:He is empathetic with the jobless youth, as he was also struggling for a job in his early years.

例句 9:Social media technologies have given companies access to an unprecedented flood of new analytics, metrics and user data.

例句 10:Steve Jobs was a gifted communicator, and he used this skill to capture the attention of millions.

week 02

例句 1:Apple will unveil a 10-inch touchscreen tablet device in January, and ship the product in March.
翻译:苹果将于一月份推出 10 英寸触屏平板电脑,并于三月份发货。

例句 2:We define an iteration as a phase or a milestone.

例句 3:Her husband was unsympathetic and she felt she had no one to turn to.

例句 4:Steve Jobs was a gifted communicator, and he used this skill to capture the attention of millions.

例句 5:Life is full of trade-offs. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.

例句 6:Point Break was a breakout film for Kathryn Bigelow in 1991.
翻译:凯瑟琳·毕格罗于 1991 年拍摄了《惊爆点》,该片突破了她之前的风格。

例句 7:I have little knowledge of computer and business, can I still learn Navisio?
翻译:我对计算机和商业知之甚少,我还能学习 Navision 系统吗?

例句 8:I was juggling books, shopping bags and the baby.

例句 9:I’ve always felt that tragedy and comedy are two sides of the same coin. Love and hate are the opposite sides of the same coin.
祸福相依、爱恨交织。/ 塞翁失马焉知非福。

例句 10:My computer keeps going funny.

week 03

例句 1:You are strongly encouraged to save your document frequently, back-up regularly, and print your work-in-progress periodically.

例句 2:What Jock had done was beyond my comprehension.

例句 3:Major breakthroughs have been made in the reform of China’s ownership structure.

例句 4:They bring suggestions and tradeoffs to the table, some of which are included in the revised spec.

例句 5:After each project, their product understanding deepens, and they start to develop better and better product instincts.

例句 6:Children do not know by instinct the difference between right and wrong.

例句 7:Tell us what you bring to the table, not just what you want.

例句 8:I’ve delivered the cash as you instructed. Now you must live up to your end of the bargain!

例句 9:I don’t see the relevance of your question.

例句 10:All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

week 04

例句 1:Although I don’t like him, I agree he is a good manager.

例句 2:I’m sorry, I think sleep deprivation contributed to my outburst just then.

例句 3:The second benefit is teams’ ability to safely experiment and fail fast.

例句 4:I empowered my agent to close the deal.

例句 5:The third benefit open source offers is a better way of building software.

例句 6:Well, my mom is really sick, which means that we might have exposed the kids to the flu virus when we had her watch them last week.

例句 7:As an immediate result, their teams doubled the amount of code that was developed and shared, which directly reduced the amount and cost of redundant code.

例句 8:According to Aitken, the quality of the code increased dramatically because it was exposed to everyone inside the organization.

例句 9:This led to software developers taking more care in the software they were writing.

例句 10:Open source is evolving at a rapid pace, and developers learn new open source technologies every few years.

week 05


For both employees and employers, remote work requires intentional design and implementation to be effective. People find remote work challenging because the established mindset says that being in an office is how work gets done. Remote workers also need to prioritize their mental health, by taking breaks, getting exercise, and having a social life. Despite the challenges, when remote work is done well, the advantages to employees and employer are sufficient to make it worthwhile.


The first starting point for remote employees is to have clear separation between home and work. This can be done through physical separation, by having a dedicated home office, or even working at a shared-work facility, such as Regus or WeWork. It is also helpful to have a transition point, something to replace a commute, that delineates the shift from being at home to being at work. Some people have found taking their dog for a walk, or simply going out the front door and coming in the back door of their house is enough to make the mental shift and start focusing on work.
员工在家远程工作,首先要把家和工作分开。要实现这一点,可以通过物理隔断,在家专设办公区或者干脆去共享工作空间(例如雷格斯或者 WeWork 等共创空间)。有时也可以人为设定一个取代通勤的转换点,作为从在家状态到工作状态的切换标志。有人发现,带狗出去散步,或者只是从前门出后门回,就足以使他们在心理上实现这种切换,并开始专注工作。


Successful remote work is not just up to the employees. Companies and managers must make extra effort to exhibit transparency and establish trust, because you don’t have benefits of casual conversation and body language like you would working in the same location. Psychological safety is needed for remote working, and this means managers must be prepared to be vulnerable. Once a manager shows they are comfortable sharing something difficult, then employees will be more comfortable reciprocating. Humble said, “You have to fundamentally trust people because you can’t see what they do. They have to tell you.”

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